Breakdown Bowling
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  • Ultimate Beginners’ Guide to Bowling

    Introduction Welcome to our Ultimate Beginners’ Guide to Bowling! If your ball keeps ending up in the and you would like to learn how to …

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  • Physical Training for Bowlers: Ten exercises to build strength and improve your game!

    Bowling is a unique sport in that there is no ideal physique required to do well. The best bowlers come from varied physical backgrounds, with …

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  • Bowling Spares

    Learning how to spare is probably the fastest way for a bowler who has just learnt to bowl to quickly increase their average. In this …

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  • Bowling Basics – Lanes, Balls, Pins

    Have you ever gone bowling and wondered how long the bowling lanes are, or how heavy the bowling pins must be if they can be …

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  • Targeting with a bowling line

    For anyone who has just learnt to bowl, being able to throw the shot consistently and learning to take is probably enough to give a …

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  • The 3 Phases of Ball Motion

    For most of us, being able to repeat shots consistently, and being able to make the right adjustments on the lane, be it through our …

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  • The Bowling Shot Cycle: Beyond the Pre-Shot Routine

    Almost all high-level bowlers and coaches will tell you that having a pre-shot routine is integral in improving your consistency in the sport, especially in …

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  • Types of Bowling Adjustments

    One of the most challenging aspects in bowling is having to recognise transition in the oil pattern on the lane, and responding to it quickly …

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  • Types of Bowling Balls

    In this article, we discuss the different types of bowling balls, and how their surfaces and cores affect ball motion. Both new bowlers looking to purchase their first bowling ball, as well as experienced bowlers who want to understand ball reaction in depth will find useful information here!

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